Top "Kubernetes-deployment" questions

Kubernetes create deployment unexpected SchemaError

I'm following that tutorial ( I want to create Kubernetes deployment in yaml file (simple-crud-dpl.yaml): …

kubernetes kubectl kubernetes-deployment
Kubernetes "the server doesn't have a resource type deployments"

I'm new on kubernetes. I couldn't get deployments using kubectl but I can see all deployments on kubernetes dashboard. How …

kubernetes kubernetes-deployment
Helm V3 - Cannot find the official repo

I have been trying to install nginx ingress using helm version 3 helm install my-ingress stable/nginx-ingress But Helm doesn't seem …

kubernetes kubernetes-helm kubernetes-deployment
Can not delete pods in Kubernetes

I tried installing dgraph (single server) using Kubernetes. I created pod using: kubectl create -f…

kubernetes kubectl kubernetes-pod kubernetes-deployment
How to select a specific pod for a service in Kubernetes

I have a kubernetes cluster of 3 hosts where each Host has a unique id label. On this cluster, there is …

kubernetes kubernetes-deployment
Why kubernetes reports "readiness probe failed" along with "liveness probe failed"

I have a working Kubernetes deployment of my application. --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: my-app spec: ... template: ... …

kubernetes kubernetes-deployment readinessprobe
defining 2 ports in deployment.yaml in Kubernetes

I have a docker image from I am doing docker run --name test -h test -p 9043:9043 -p 9443:9443 -d ibmcom/websphere-traditional:…

kubernetes kubernetes-deployment
Kubernetes deployment status in Jenkins

I am writing a Jenkins Global pipeline library where I have a stage to deploy my docker image to K8…

jenkins kubernetes jenkins-pipeline kubernetes-health-check kubernetes-deployment
Passing java_opts to spring boot applications in kubernetes

Currently, we are building Docker images with an entrypoint and passing this image to a Kubernetes deployment. Is there any …

spring-boot docker kubernetes kubernetes-pod kubernetes-deployment