Top "Kube-dns" questions

How do I get individual pod hostnames in a Deployment registered and looked up in Kubernetes?

I need to know all the hostnames for all the pods in a Deployment in Kubernetes. Based on https://kubernetes.…

kubernetes kubernetes-helm kube-dns
KubeDNS error, server misbehaving

I have a problem trying exec'ing into a container: kubectl exec -it busybox-68654f944b-hj672 -- nslookup kubernetes Error from …

docker dns kubernetes flannel kube-dns
Zookeeper: Hostname resolution fails

I am running Zookeeper in an OpenShift/Kubernetes environment. I have setup zookeeper as a StatefulSet in order to reliably …

kubernetes openshift apache-zookeeper kube-dns
How to expose kube-dns service for queries outside cluster?

I'm trying to expose the "kube-dns" service to be available to be queried outside of the Kubernetes cluster. In order …

dns kubernetes kube-dns
kubernetes installation and kube-dns: open /run/flannel/subnet.env: no such file or directory

Overview kube-dns can't start (SetupNetworkError) after kubeadm init and network setup: Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to "SetupNetwork" for "kube-dns-654381707…

docker kubernetes flannel weave kube-dns
How does one install the kube-dns addon for minikube?

Can someone please detail the steps necessary to install the kube-dns addon? I've downloaded the nearly 400MB git repo in …

kubernetes minikube kube-dns
How to change the cluster.local default domain on kubernetes 1.9 deployed with kubeadm?

I would like to resolve the kube-dns names from outside of the Kubernetes cluster by adding a stub zone to …

kubernetes kubeadm kube-dns
kube-dns can not resolve 'kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local'

After deploying the kubernetes cluster using kargo, I found out that kubedns pod is not working properly: $ kcsys get pods …

docker kubernetes kube-dns
Kubernetes - How to edit CoreDNS corefile configmap?

I have a pretty standard installation of Kubernetes running as a single-node cluster on Ubuntu. I am trying to configure …

kubernetes dns kube-dns coredns
kubedns can not start with "Failed to list *v1.Endpoints: Unauthorized" and "Failed to list *v1.Service: Unauthorized"

I have a problem when I install the kube-dns add on. My OS is CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core) Kernel:Linux …

kubernetes kube-dns