Kohana 3 - Get URLs

n00b picture n00b · May 16, 2010 · Viewed 14.9k times · Source

could you help me with following questions. How do i get the:

absolute/relative current url

absolute/relative application url

I could of course use native php to get it but i think i should rather use ko3 functions.

Any idea how that works?

Thanks in advance!


Svish picture Svish · May 16, 2010

Tried to make a controller that outputted them all correctly. Let me know if any of them are off.

class Controller_Info extends Controller
    public function action_index()
        $uris = array
            'page' => array
                'a' => Request::instance()->uri(),
                'b' => URL::base(TRUE, FALSE).Request::instance()->uri(),
                'c' => URL::site(Request::instance()->uri()),
                'd' => URL::site(Request::instance()->uri(), TRUE),

            'application' => array
                'a' => URL::base(),
                'b' => URL::base(TRUE, TRUE),
                'c' => URL::site(),
                'd' => URL::site(NULL, TRUE),

        $this->request->headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain';
        $this->request->response = print_r($uris, true);

    public function action_version()
        $this->request->response = 'Kohana version: '.Kohana::VERSION;

    public function action_php()


Outputs this:

    [page] => Array
            [a] => info/index
            [b] => /kohana/info/index
            [c] => /kohana/info/index
            [d] => http://localhost/kohana/info/index
    [application] => Array
            [a] => /kohana/
            [b] => http://localhost/kohana/
            [c] => /kohana/
            [d] => http://localhost/kohana/

Technically speaking, it's actually only the first page url that is a real relative url, since all the others either start with / or http://.

Needed to get the url for the current page myself, so decided to extend the url class. Thought I could share it here. Let me know what you think :)

 * Extension of the Kohana URL helper class.
class URL extends Kohana_URL 
     * Fetches the URL to the current request uri.
     * @param   bool  make absolute url
     * @param   bool  add protocol and domain (ignored if relative url)
     * @return  string
    public static function current($absolute = FALSE, $protocol = FALSE)
        $url = Request::instance()->uri();

        if($absolute === TRUE)
            $url = self::site($url, $protocol);

        return $url;

echo URL::current();            //  controller/action
echo URL::current(TRUE);        //  /base_url/controller/action
echo URL::current(TRUE, TRUE);  //  http://domain/base_url/controller/action