Top "Kml" questions

Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML standard used for expressing geographic annotation and visualisations.

Read and parse KML in java

Is there any library available to parse KML ?

java parsing kml
What is the difference between gson and json?

I see word 'gson' at various places in books related to android , blogs etc. Is it similar to kml in …

json gson kml android
Google Maps zoom gets overridden, when using a kml file

How do I specify zoom level for google maps in a kml file or why is it that my zoom …

api google-maps google-maps-api-3 maps kml
Displaying Names on the Map using KML

I am able to display polygons, circles, etc etc, using KML. Now i want to display only some Names using …

kml google-earth
How to Display Custom KML Placemark Icon using Image from Local Disk or Network Drive

Does anybody know how to display custom KML Placemark icon using image from local disk or network drive. I tried …

icons kml google-earth
Reading in XML/KML files using C#

I'm trying to import the kml xml Google earth file into an application, but i can't seem to get the …

c# xml entity-framework linq kml
How do you create a polygon shape in a KML that is positioned in the air?

I need to be able to place a polygon object with a given height into a KML that will be …

polygon kml google-earth
Google Maps API and KML File LocalHost Development Options

The Google Maps JavaScript version 3 API library documentation clearly explains: The Google Maps API supports the KML and GeoRSS data …

javascript google-maps localhost kml
GMaps via KML: change color of placemark pins

We are using GMaps with a KML feed to display locations on a map. Here's an example:…

php google-maps kml google-maps-markers google-maps-styled
How to create a KML file using R

I have written a R script to get some map point data (Latitude and Longitude values). I am able to …

r kml