Top "Kivy-language" questions

A language created and used in the Kivy framework to describe a widget structure of a project.

Pyinstaller adding data files

I'm struggling with pyinstaller. Whenever I build this specific script with a kivy GUI and a .kv file, and run …

kivy pyinstaller kivy-language
How to fetch data from database and show in table in kivy+python import kivy kivy.require('1.9.0') # replace with your current kivy version ! import sqlite3 as lite from kivy.…

python-2.7 kivy kivy-language
A Complete Code Example Of Kivy A Working Screen Manager Reference Written In KV Language

I've been trying to build my kv language skills from Accessing id/widget of different class from a kivy file (.…

user-interface kivy kivy-language
How to get syntax highlighting on Kivy, .kv, file in Pycharm on OSX?

What are the steps needed to get syntax highlighting on .kv files in PyCharm on OSX?

python macos pycharm kivy-language
Hiding and showing a widget in Kivy

I am working on a Kivy project, and I need to display a label when there is no elements in …

python kivy kivy-language
How to use pos_hint with FloatLayout in kivy?

I am trying to align labels and button in my test UI this is my kv file <test>: …

python kivy kivy-language
A simple web page inside kivy app as a widget

I want to have a web view in my kivy application that is running on ubuntu 64bit. I looked on …

python kivy kivy-language
Kivy TextInput horizontal and vertical align (centering text)

How to center a text horizontally in a TextInput in Kivy? I have the following screen: But I want to …

python python-3.x kivy kivy-language
x11 - ImportError: No module named 'kivy.core.window.window_x11'

when i try to run any kivy program with python 3.5 in my kali linux os. Then i get the below …

python python-3.x kivy kivy-language
Kivy RecycleView as an alternative to ListView? How does it work?

I should preface that I'm still a newbie to Kivy. I tried looking for similar questions, but they were either …

python-3.x kivy kivy-language