Top "Kill" questions

Kill is an operation of removing an object or process from memory so that other processes/variables can use them.

How to send a signal SIGINT from script to script?

I want to trap a signal send from to so in i use the …

bash signals kill bash-trap
How can a process kill itself?

#include<stdlib.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<signal.h> int main(){ pid_t pid = …

linux process kill signal-handling sigterm
"Gracefully" killing a process

Right now I am using Process.Kill() to kill a process. Is there a way though, instead of just killing …

c# .net process kill system.diagnostics
Linux: get the exit code from the kill command

If I send a SIGTERM signal to a process using the kill command, I expect an exit code, but I …

linux kill exit-code sigterm
How to get variable from text file into Bash variable

Simple question, in BASH I'm trying to read in a .pid file to kill a process. How do I read …

bash kill pid
How do I kill a specific process running in the background from the command prompt?

Assuming this is a Windows 7 machine - and we're talking about batch scripts on the Windows command line. Imagine I …

windows batch-file cmd kill
kill -INT vs kill -TERM

What's the difference between the SIGINT signal and the SIGTERM signal? I know that SIGINT is equivalent to pressing Ctrl+…

unix signals kill
How to kill a process with 'kill' combined with 'grep'

I'd like to kill a process/script with a simple command using. At the moment I do the following ps …

bash process grep kill ps
How to stop service from its own foreground notification

I have a Service running. and in its onStartCommand I am doing startforeground to avoid killing by system. public int …

android service notifications kill
alternative to finish() method for Service class? To kill it dead

I have used the method finish() before in several activities without problems. however when I tried to call it inside …

android service kill activity-finish