Top "Keydown" questions

"keydown" is an event used in writing software that is triggered when a key on the keyboard is being pressed.

Cancel the keydown in HTML

How can I cancel the keydown of a specific key on the keyboard, for example(space, enter and arrows) in …

javascript html keydown
jQuery .keypress & .keydown .which

Ok so what is the difference in .keypress and .keydown/.keyup? At present I am using .keydown which returns a .…

javascript jquery keyboard keypress keydown
How do I capture Keys.F1 regardless of the focused control on a form?

I used KeyDown event and some simple code like if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F1) to capture F1 is pressed on …

c# .net winforms keydown keyevent
KeyboardEvent in Chrome, keyCode is 0

I am trying to set keyCode on dispatched event object . On button click, event is raised on textbox control to …

javascript google-chrome keyboard-events keydown
jQuery: trigger event on tab key

I would like to call a function when the tab key is pressed within any field with the name="notes". …

javascript jquery tabs keypress keydown Keydown event on whole form

I have a form with several controls. I want to run a specific sub on keydown event regardless any controls … keydown
jQuery - keydown() on div not working in Firefox

I have the following example code, which should pop up an alert when the div is in focus and a …

jquery internet-explorer firefox events keydown
DataGridView keydown event not working in C#

DataGridView keydown event is not working when I am editing text inside a cell. I am assigning shortcut Alt+S …

c# .net winforms datagridview keydown
Input validation in the keydown event

I'm attempting to do info validation against user text input in the process of keydown event. The reason that I …

javascript validation dom-events keydown
How do I convert a "Keys" enum value to an "int" character in C#?

This seems like something that should be easy, but I am having a tough time figuring out what needs to …

c# winforms keydown