Keyboard shortcuts for Zeppelin Notebook

StephenBoesch picture StephenBoesch · Jan 17, 2017 · Viewed 14k times · Source

There was an old jira for keyboard shortcuts. But there did not appear to be an associated document

Is there a comprehensive cheat-sheet for the shortcuts? Especially to compare to the excellent jupyter keyboard shortcuts; e.g. dd to delete a cell.


Rockie Yang picture Rockie Yang · Jan 19, 2017

Here is a table for the shortcuts.

| shortcut          | meaning                           |
| Ctrl + up         | move focus to previous paragraph  |
| Ctrl + down       | move focus to next paragraph      |
| Shift + Enter     | run the current paragraph         |
| Ctrl + Alt + c    | cancel paragraph                  |
| Ctrl + Alt + d    | remove paragraph                  |
| Ctrl + Alt + k    | move up                           |
| Ctrl + Alt + j    | move down                         |
| Ctrl + Alt + a    | insert new above                  |
| Ctrl + Alt + b    | insert new below                  |
| Ctrl + Alt + o    | toggle output                     |
| Ctrl + Alt + r    | toggle enable/disable             |
| Ctrl + Alt + e    | toggle editor                     |
| Ctrl + Alt + m    | toggle showing line numbers       |
| Ctrl + Shift + -  | width - 1                         |
| Ctrl + Shift + =  | width + 1                         |
| Ctrl + Alt + t    | toggle title                      |

Note: Some shortcut might not work depend on OS and browser.