Key-value Observing or KVO is a technology for observing changes in object properties.
I have created an observer with .Old | .New options. In the handler method I try to fetch before after values, …
swift key-value-observingI have a ViewController creating an instance of a UIView, and then I register an observer with the instance, such …
iphone key-value-observingIn my iOS app I am observing changes to the contentOffset property of my scrollView subclass. My observer handler looks …
ios uiscrollview key-value-observing cgpointI added an observer in the code and then removed it in dealloc and viewWillDisappear but still i am getting …
ios objective-c memory key-value-observing deallocCould you help me how to manage to be notified when the contents of NSArrayController are modified, using Smart KeyPaths? …
swift key-value-observing swift4How do I handle the switch from "tap to focus" at a specific POI back to "auto focus" state automatically …
ios camera avfoundation key-value-observing autofocusI'm trying to catch a moment when AVPlayer is unable to continue playback in case no more media available (too …
ios objective-c avplayer key-value-observingHi everyone years reading StackOverflow, now I decided to join. I am struggling to get this resolved: I have a "…
ios objective-c core-data key-value-observingI am trying to get something very similar to the example in the WWDC 2017 Foundation talk working for KVO observing. …
swift key-value-observingI having some problems with the following crash logs retrieved from the "Crashes" section in Xcode. Only few devices are …
objective-c crash key-value-observing