Top "Kendo-datepicker" questions

Represents the Kendo UI DatePicker widget

Set Today date to kendo datepicker

I want to set today date to Kendo DatePicker on clear button click. I tried following but it is not …

javascript jquery kendo-ui kendo-datepicker
How do you make a kendo datepicker do date validation for a minimum date?

I have the following control: @(Html.Kendo().DatePickerFor(model => model.Attributes.DueDate) .HtmlAttributes(new { ID = "idSurvey_DueDate", @data_bind = "…

validation kendo-ui kendo-datepicker
MVC Date Time Model Binding

I am using 2 kendo date pickers in my application as such: <div class="span12"> <div class="span2" …

c# model-binding custom-model-binder kendo-datepicker
How Do I Raise the Change Event in the KendoUI DatePicker?

I'm trying to set the value of my DatePicker using the code below and expecting the "Change" event to be …

kendo-ui telerik kendo-datepicker
Default date format of Javascript/Jquery

I have a kendo date picker which is set to format date as "MM/dd/yyyy". I want to check …

javascript jquery date kendo-ui kendo-datepicker
How can I default to placeholder for date picker?

Here's the code for my date picker: <div class="editor-field"> @(Html.Kendo().DatePickerFor(model => model.Date) .HtmlAttributes(…

javascript jquery kendo-ui kendo-datepicker
Kendo Datepicker: changing its size or fonts inside

I've got a Kendo Datepicker that I'm displaying inside a Kendo Window and it shows like this: The Datepicker is …

css kendo-ui kendo-datepicker
Kendo DatePicker Return wrong value

I set the format of my date in this way: $('#filterdate').kendoDatePicker({format: "dd/MM/yyyy"}); SOMEWHERE I have …

jquery kendo-ui telerik kendo-datepicker
How to get current date from kendoDatePicker not in the 'change' handler

Those approaches don't work: dateSelectedFrom = $("#datepickerFrom").value - undefined dateSelectedFrom = $("#datepickerFrom").value() - object has no method value() I know …

javascript kendo-ui telerik kendo-datepicker