Top "Kendo-combobox" questions

The Kendo ComboBox represents a richer version of a <select> element, providing support for local and remote data binding, item templates, and configurable options for controlling the list behavior.

how i get select value from kendo comboBox

i have implented Kendo ComboBox but struggling to get selected value .... $("#_FeeScheme_Input").kendoComboBox({ minLength: 1, filter: 'contains', dataTextField: "FeeSchemeDescription", dataValueField: "… kendo-ui kendo-combobox
Dynamically refresh KendoUI DropdownList

I've the following three KendoUI dropdown list boxes; @(Html.Kendo().DropDownList() .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:auto;height:25px" }) .OptionLabel("Make (…

kendo-ui kendo-combobox
Kendo UI Combo Box Reset Value

I'm using the Kendo UI ComboBoxes in cascade mode to build up a filter that I wish to apply. How … kendo-ui kendo-combobox
Kendoui MVC EditorTemplateName do not work in PopUp edit mode

I want to use EditorTemplateName for foreign key Column in KendoUi grid. when Grid Edit Mode is InLine all thing … kendo-ui kendo-grid kendo-combobox
get the value from input kendo ComboBox using JQuery

I am using kendo comboBox in my app and I need to get value and ID of record out of …

javascript jquery kendo-ui kendo-combobox
How do I refresh a Kendo UI combo box?

I have an ASP.Net MVC Kendo UI combobox that is databound to a table with 1000's of records. I've … kendo-ui kendo-grid kendo-combobox
Kendo dropdown rebind using jquery

I am trying to bind a list of SelectList Items to a Kendo dropdown in jquery using dropDown.setDataSource(result) …

jquery kendo-ui kendo-combobox
kendo ComboBox find and select value if exists

I have a kendo combobox, and also have a variable with a value. How can I search for the value …

jquery kendo-ui kendo-combobox
Kendo Ui combobox - set default value

I successfully filled my combobox. But now I'm trying to set default value for combobox. For example let's say third …

javascript mvvm kendo-ui kendo-combobox
Setting default value of a dropDownList

ive been using this to set a default text form input on a kendo grid which works fine. e.container.…

kendo-ui kendo-combobox