Top "Jvm-hotspot" questions

HotSpot is the standard Java virtual machine used by both the Oracle and OpenJDK Java runtime environments.

JVM -XX:+StringCache argument?

I was recently reading about all the JVM arguments available in JRE 6 [Java VM Options] and saw this : -XX:+StringCache : …

java jvm jvm-hotspot jvm-arguments
OpenJDK vs Java HotspotVM

Are OpenJDK VM and Oracle Hotspot VM still two different JVMs? I can't seem to find any somewhat official documentation …

java jvm openjdk jvm-hotspot hotspot
How can I code Java to allow SSE use and bounds-check elimination (or other advanced optimizations)?

The Situation: I'm optimizing a pure-java implementation of the LZF compression algorithm, which involves a lot of byte[] access and …

java performance optimization jvm-hotspot bounds-check-elimination
'Eden space' name origin in Garbage Collection

In Garbage Collection terminology, why is it called 'Eden Space'? Just like that. I'm still getting familiar with the terminology …

java garbage-collection jvm-hotspot
Java VM tuning - Xbatch and -Xcomp

I am looking at the JVM configuration options for running Alfresco, mainly this document on the Alfresco Wiki. One of …

java jvm jvm-hotspot jvm-arguments
How do I programmatically find out my PermGen space usage?

I'm trying to diagnose a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen Space error when running on Sun's Hotspot JVM, and would like …

java memory-leaks jvm-hotspot permgen
Advanced Code Hot Swapping in JDK 8?

I am looking for better HotSwapping in the JavaVM. Being able to only apply method body changes is okay but …

java jvm-hotspot hotswap
Java 8 String deduplication vs. String.intern()

I am reading about the feature in Java 8 update 20 for String deduplication (more info) but I am not sure if …

java string jvm-hotspot deduplication
java PrintCompilation output: what's the meaning of "made not entrant" and "made zombie"

When running a Java 1.6 (1.6.0_03-b05) app I've added the -XX:+PrintCompilation flag. On the output for some methods, in particular …

java jit jvm-hotspot
How to disable minidump (mdmp) files generation with Java Hotspot JVM on Windows

Currently I have a deployed executable jar file that creates large (7+ Gb) minidump files when it crashes. I would like …

java jar executable-jar jvm-hotspot