The JTS Topology Suite is an open source API of 2D spatial predicates and functions written in Java.
We can create a LineString using coordinates list like this: Geometry g1 = new GeometryFactory().createLineString(coordinates); How can we create …
java geometry computational-geometry jtsI have a set of X and Y points that builds a shape and I need to know if an …
java coordinates jtsI have a Spring Roo + Hibernate project which takes a JTS well-known text (WKT) String input from the client application, …
spring hibernate geometry endianness jtsTake the invalid polygon POLYGON((0 100, 100 100, 0 0, 100 0, 0 100)) - an egg timer shape with an undeclared point of intersection Many instructions say that …
java geometry jtsI've got a collection of geometry objects. Now i want to calculate the minimal bounding rectangle from the whole collection. …
java jts