Top "Jsp-fragments" questions

JSP Fragments Encapsulates a portion of JSP code in an object that can be invoked as many times as needed.

What is .jspf file extension? How to compile it?

What are .jspf files in JSP? As I know the compiler will look for .jsp files to compile, then how …

java jsp jsp-fragments
Difference between JSPX and JSFF file-types inside ADF framework?

What is the difference between JSPF and JSFF file-types in ADF ? I have not been able to find sufficient information …

jsp jsf file-type oracle-adf jsp-fragments
Unknown tags and undefined functions in JSP fragments

I imported a web project build in JSP, which I am relatively new to. I got some errors in WEB-INF/…

java jsp jsp-tags jsp-fragments
How to Include a JSP Fragment into a JSP Page while forwading from Servlet?

First, Please suggest me if my question heading is not correct. Moving on to question: Say I am having below …

java jsp servlets jsp-fragments
Include jspf file with custom tag

How can I add jspf file to jsp page via custom tag? In the tag support class I can add …

java jsp custom-tags jsp-fragments