Top "Json" questions

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a serializable data interchange format intended to be machine and human readable.

How to iterate over a JSONObject?

I use a JSON library called JSONObject (I don't mind switching if I need to). I know how to iterate …

java json
Representing null in JSON

What is the preferred method for returning null values in JSON? Is there a different preference for primitives? For example, …

json jackson gson
Convert object string to JSON

How can I convert a string that describes an object into a JSON string using JavaScript (or jQuery)? e.g: …

javascript json object
Chrome sendrequest error: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

I've got the following... chrome.extension.sendRequest({ req: "getDocument", docu: pagedoc, name: 'name' }, function(response){ var efjs = response.reply; }); which …

javascript json google-chrome google-chrome-extension
Is there any standard for JSON API response format?

Do standards or best practices exist for structuring JSON responses from an API? Obviously, every application's data is different, so …

Pretty-Printing JSON with PHP

I'm building a PHP script that feeds JSON data to another script. My script builds data into a large associative …

php json pretty-print
How to read json file into java with simple JSON library

I want to read this JSON file with java using json simple library. My JSON file looks like this: [ { "name":"…

java json parsing json-simple
Converting a string to JSON object

How do you make JS think that a string is JSON ? I have a function which only works if JSON …

javascript ajax json
JavaScript loop through json array?

I am trying to loop through the following json array: { "id": "1", "msg": "hi", "tid": "2013-05-05 23:35", "fromWho": "[email protected]" }, { "…

javascript json
Using Node.JS, how do I read a JSON file into (server) memory?

Background I am doing some experimentation with Node.js and would like to read a JSON object, either from a …

javascript json node.js