Top "Json-simple" questions


How to read json file into java with simple JSON library

I want to read this JSON file with java using json simple library. My JSON file looks like this: [ { "name":"…

java json parsing json-simple
Pretty-Print JSON in Java

I'm using json-simple and I need to pretty-print JSON data (make it more human readable). I haven't been able to …

java json pretty-print json-simple
How to find specified name and its value in JSON-string from Java?

Let's assume we have the next JSON string: { "name" : "John", "age" : "20", "address" : "some address", "someobject" : { "field" : "value" } } What is the …

java json gson json-simple
Decoding JSON String in Java

I am new to using the json-simple library in Java and I've been through both the encoding and decoding samples. …

java json json-simple
Iterate through JSONObject from root in json simple

I am trying to iterate over a json object using json simple. I have seen answers where you can do …

java json json-simple
Add JSON Package Reference; new to Java

I'm brand new to Java and have always been a c kind-of-guy. That being said, I'm trying to use the …

java eclipse json json-simple
How can I cast a JSONObject to a custom Java class?

In Java (using json-simple) I have successfully parsed a JSON string which was created in JavaScript using JSON.stringify. It …

java json-simple
How to write a JSONObject to a file, which has JSONArray inside it, in Java?

I have JSON file, that I need to read, edit and write out again. Reading works fine, I struggle with …

java json jsonobject json-simple
JSON.simple API Javadoc

Is there a Javadoc for JSON.simple?

json javadoc json-simple
Parsing a JSON from HTTP Response in Java

Hi I am using Client Http (apache), and json-simple. I want to access the attributes of the json response, and …

java json http httpresponse json-simple