Top "Json-view" questions

Is there any JSON viewer to open large json files (windows)?

I have very large JSON file which is of several GB. I am looking for any efficient JSON viewer. In …

json viewer json-view large-data
Dynamic Selection Of JsonView in Spring MVC Controller

I am aware that it is possible to annotate controller methods with @JsonView(...) to statically define a single view class …

spring-mvc json-view
How can you disable the new JSON Viewer/Reader in Firefox Developer Edition?

Firefox Developer Edition 44 now has a built in JSON Viewer. It's a nice gesture, but I highly prefer the readability …

firefox-developer-tools json-view
jackson: ignore getter, but not with @JsonView

I'm looking for possibility to serialize transient information only in some cases: @JsonInclude(Include.NON_NULL) @Entity public class User { …

java json serialization jackson json-view
How to serialize using @Jsonview with nested objects

I have a class which holds a collection of another class. class A{ @JsonView(VerboseViewA.Minimal.class) String field1; @JsonView(…

java spring jackson json-view