Top "Jslint" questions

JSLint is a "code quality" tool for JavaScript developed by Douglas Crockford, a well-known developer also responsible for JSON, JSMin, ADSafe and parts of YUI.

Disable "use the function form of use strict" but keep the "Missing 'use strict' statement" warning

I am using jslint to validate my code. I have "use strict" on all my pages. How can I disable …

javascript validation jslint ecmascript-5 strict
JavaScript: JSLint throws "Read Only

My code: note: the Slider Object is declared but omitted in the snippet below for better readability "use strict"; /*global …

javascript object literals jslint
JSLint (CLI): options?

I'm running JSLint's Rhino version from the Ubuntu command line like so: $ rhino jslint.js myScript.js While the web …

javascript jslint lint
JSLint "eval is evil." alternatives

I am have some JavaScript functions that run on both the client (browser) and the server (within a Java Rhino …

javascript eval dry jslint
Error: "angular was used before it was defined" but online editors able to output the result

I couldn't get an output from this code when I ran it my local machine but the weird part is …

javascript angularjs undefined jslint adobe-brackets
JSlint error 'Don't make functions within a loop.' leads to question about Javascript itself

I have some code that invokes anonymous functions within a loop, something like this pseudo example: for (i = 0; i < …

javascript jslint
How to get "" syntax pass jslint?

I am writing JS UT for my NodeJS code. I am using Chai as the assertion library, and I prefer …

node.js jslint chai
Expressions in JavaScript Ternary Operator and JSLint

I recently received a comment on one of my blog posts about JSLint asking why JSLint threw an error with …

javascript ternary-operator jslint jshint
Where can I find a list of JSHint numeric error codes?

I'm using JSHint for Visual Studio. It's not uncommon for JSHint to issue a warning about an issue that I …

javascript visual-studio jslint jshint
JSHint: How do disable the check for unsafe characters for comments?

When using "unsafe characters" (e.g. umlauts) in comments I get the following error: This character may get silently deleted …

jslint jshint