Top "Jslint" questions

JSLint is a "code quality" tool for JavaScript developed by Douglas Crockford, a well-known developer also responsible for JSON, JSMin, ADSafe and parts of YUI.

Have jshint ignore certain files when building Twitter Bootstrap

I often have this problem when using Twitter Bootstrap with other 3rd-party JS libraries, such as html5.js from WordPress' "…

twitter-bootstrap build makefile jslint jshint
JSLint reports "Unexpected dangling" character in an underscore prefixed variable name

I know that some people consider the presence of a leading underscore to imply that a variable is "private," that …

javascript jslint
Using JSLint in Notepad++

I have seen other text editors use extensions to allow syntax checkers such as JSLint, is this possible with Notepad++?

javascript notepad++ jslint lint
JSlint: unexpected 'for'

I have been testing with radio buttons. Everything seems okay until i ran it through JS lint. I fixed all …

javascript jslint
JavaScript: JSLint error "The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype"

I'm using the JSLint tool to ensure my JavaScript is "strict". I'm receiving the following error but don't understand how …

javascript jslint
How do I install JSLint on Ubuntu?

How do I install JSLint on Ubuntu? I downloaded the source jsl-0.3.0-src.tar.gz from…

javascript linux vim ubuntu jslint
Is it possible to validate my jQuery JavaScript with JSLint?

I wanted to check my JavaScript with JSLint. I am also using jQuery and JSLint seems to be very unhappy …

javascript jquery jslint
JSLint error: "Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function"

What does JSLint mean by this error? And how should it be rewritten? Error: Problem at line 78 character 3: Move the …

javascript jquery debugging compiler-errors jslint
Adobe Brackets disable jslint but allow jshint

My basic question: In the Adobe Brackets editor how do I use jshint while turning off or disabling jslint? My …

javascript jslint jshint adobe-brackets
Why do TSLint and JSLint report empty blocks?

From time to time, I get TSLint errors "block is empty". This happens e.g. when I pass a no-op …

typescript jslint tslint