Multiselect in JQGrid only allows either multiple selection or single selections and the shift functionality isn't what I'd expect the shift select to do. I also don't like that we need comboboxes with multiselect.
What other solution could I use for multiselect?
[Oct 2011] Updated to use 4.0 API, corrected shift-selection bugs, simplified selection loop. Tested in 4.2.0.
If like me, you needed a proper multiselect in the jqgrid - where ctrl selects a single row at a time, select selects multiple rows and neither clear the selection and selects 1 row - You've found it.
First things first: set multiselect: true
in the grid definition (I didn't set any other multiselect options)
Next: In gridComplete: function () {}
set grid.jqGrid('hideCol', 'cb');
- this hides the checkboxes if you don't want them.
Finally: The main part
beforeSelectRow: function (rowid, e) {
if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey) {
else if (e.shiftKey) {
var initialRowSelect = $("#grid").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
var CurrentSelectIndex = $("#grid").jqGrid('getInd', rowid);
var InitialSelectIndex = $("#grid").jqGrid('getInd', initialRowSelect);
var startID = "";
var endID = "";
if (CurrentSelectIndex > InitialSelectIndex) {
startID = initialRowSelect;
endID = rowid;
else {
startID = rowid;
endID = initialRowSelect;
var shouldSelectRow = false;
$.each($("#grid").getDataIDs(), function(_, id){
if ((shouldSelectRow = id == startID || shouldSelectRow)){
$("#grid").jqGrid('setSelection', id, false);
return id != endID;
return true;
The End - Hope that helps