Hidden Columns in jqGrid

maxpower47 picture maxpower47 · Nov 2, 2009 · Viewed 139.4k times · Source

Is there any way to hide a column in a jqGrid table, but have it show as read-only when the row is edited in the form editor modal dialog?


Bobby Borszich picture Bobby Borszich · Nov 16, 2009

This feature is built into jqGrid.

setup your grid function as follows.

   colNames: ['Manager', 'Name', 'HiddenSalary'],
   colModel: [               
               { name: 'Manager', editable: true },
               { name: 'Price', editable: true },
               { name: 'HiddenSalary', hidden: true , editable: true, 
                  editrules: {edithidden:true} 

There are other editrules that can be applied but this basic setup would hide the manager's salary in the grid view but would allow editing when the edit form was displayed.