jsPlumb drag element position

xQp picture xQp · Sep 23, 2014 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

im using jsPlumb with jQuery

i was wondering if there is a way to get the position of an element while and after drag and drop it within the container?

im doing a crossover at the moment wich is working, but does not repaint my connectionpoints and anchors before i save the position.

<script type='text/javascript'>
        drag: function() {
            var parentLeft = $('#flexwrap".$dynamiccounter."').position().left;
            var parentTop = $('#flexwrap".$dynamiccounter."').position().top;
            var offset = $(this).position();
            var xPos = (offset.left - parentLeft);
            var yPos = (offset.top - parentTop );

        stop: function(event, ui) {
            // Show dropped position.
            var parentLeft = $('#flexwrap".$dynamiccounter."').position().left;
            var parentTop = $('#flexwrap".$dynamiccounter."').position().top;
            var Stoppos = $(this).position();
            var left = (Stoppos.left - parentLeft);
            var top = (Stoppos.top - parentTop);
        containment: $('#flexwrap".$dynamiccounter."')

i tryed to use


but thats not working

that is how i would create draggable elements with jsPlumb

instance'.$dynamiccounter.'.draggable(jsPlumb.getSelector("#flexcontent'.$dynamiccounter.' .dragable"));

but how can i set x / y coordinates to the elements textfields to save the position into database?


MrNobody007 picture MrNobody007 · Oct 1, 2014

You can get position of DIV's from jQuery drag function at the same time you need to repaint the connection of the element being dragged as:

    containment: $('PARENT_SELECTOR'),
        // Your code comes here
        jsPlumb.repaint($(this)); // Note that it will only repaint the dragged element
    stop: function(e){
        // Your code for capturing dragged element position.


NOTE: The above code will only repaint the dragged element. If the dragged element child also has connection then it wont work for them.