Need to know if a jQuery UI Widget has been applied to a DOM object

DMCS picture DMCS · Oct 1, 2009 · Viewed 14.4k times · Source

I'm using jQuery and have some interactions with a jQuery UI where I need to get options. However there's a possibility that the jQuery UI function has not been applied yet to the DOM object. I'm getting a JavaScript error right now when I access an option.

I have a DOM object that has the progressbar ( attached to it (maybe). In another thread, I'm trying to access the options using domObj.progressbar("option", "value").

How do I determine if that domObj has a progressbar attached?


jamiebarrow picture jamiebarrow · Aug 17, 2010

You can access the progress bar object on the element by doing:


So to use this:

var progressBar = $("#myid").data("progressbar");
if ( progressBar == null ) {
    // handle case when no progressbar is setup for my selector
} else {
    alert("The value is: " + progressBar.value());