Mixing Knockout with jQuery

joe_coolish picture joe_coolish · May 9, 2012 · Viewed 13.5k times · Source

I'm creating a commenting system with knockout.js and I'm having some issues with getting the templating working with our existing jQuery functions.

One example is with the dates comments are created. I wrote a jQuery function that causes the data to turn from 5-5-2012 to 2 Days ago. For example:

    <ul data-bind="foreach: Comments">
        <li data-bind="attr: { id: Id }" class="Comment">
           <div data-bind="text: DateCreated" class="prettyDate"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">

With this code, when I add a new comment dynamically, the date stays in the 5-5-2012 format. There are several other custom jQuery functions that act on repeating data that is now dynamically created by knockout (usually by selecting based on classes).

How can I apply these custom jQuery functions on dynamic data generated by knockout.js?


mikebridge picture mikebridge · May 9, 2012

One option might be to use a custom binding handler which sends bound elements through your jQuery plugin, e.g.:


Another possibility might be to add a computed observable in your view model.