Top "Jquery-ui-tooltip" questions

jQuery UI Tooltips are Customizable, themeable tooltips, replacing native tooltips.

Jquery UI tooltip does not support html content

Today, I upgraded all of my jQuery plugs-in with jQuery 1.9.1. And I started to use jQueryUI tooltip with jquery.ui.1.10.2. …

jquery html jquery-ui jquery-ui-tooltip
Maximum Width of jQuery UI Tooltip widget

I use jQuery UI's new Tooltip and having trouble with figuring out how to set a maximum width of the …

jquery-ui jquery-ui-tooltip
jQuery UI TypeError: e.widget.extend is not a function

I have updated my jQuery files including jQUery UI to use the tooltip feature. But now Javascript is dieing with …

javascript jquery jquery-ui jquery-ui-tooltip
positioning jQuery tooltip

I'm trying to customise the positioning of my tooltips, using jQuery UI Tooltip and this code: $(".karma").tooltip({ position: { my: "…

jquery jquery-ui jquery-ui-tooltip
jQuery UI Tooltips - How to correctly position vertically centered to the mouse?

Update: Still looking for a viable solution, but check my answer below, it may help you or give you an …

jquery jquery-ui tooltip positioning jquery-ui-tooltip
How do I Update the Content in Jquery UI Tooltip in Realtime?

I have an element that when hovered over, it displays the price of the item (in a game). I'm using …

How can I make a simple mouseon popup tooltip with jQuery?

I want to show related tooltip for listed info, related tooltip and info are in same cell in table. I …

javascript jquery html tooltip jquery-ui-tooltip
jQuery UI tooltip positioning issue

I have a positioning issue with jQuery UI's tooltips. I would prefer to not use jQuery UI, but the project …

jquery css jquery-ui jquery-ui-tooltip
Only close tooltip if mouse is not over target or tooltip

Using the jQuery UI tooltip, I would like to keep the tooltip open if I'm over the target, or if …

jquery jquery-ui jquery-ui-tooltip
How to make jQueryUI tooltip apply only on focus

How can I make the new JqueryUI tooltip visible only on focus: At the moment its on focus and on …

jquery-ui jquery-ui-tooltip