Top "Jquery-ui-autocomplete" questions

Autocomplete widget from jQuery-ui which enables users to quickly find and select from a pre-populated list of values as they type, leveraging searching and filtering.

Differentiate between focus event triggered by keyboard/mouse

I'm using jquery ui autocomplete and want to decipher between focus events triggered by keyboard interaction and mouse interaction. How …

javascript jquery jquery-ui jquery-ui-autocomplete
jQuery-UI autocomplete doesn't display in jQuery-UI dialog

I have a jQueryUI autocomplete that resides in a dialog. For some older versions of jQuery/jQueryUI, it displays the …

jquery css jquery-ui jquery-ui-dialog jquery-ui-autocomplete
Force a user to select from JQuery UI Autocomplete and populate a hidden field after selecting

I have a large HTML form that contains many fields that need an autocomplete for accounts. I tag these fields …

javascript jquery jquery-ui jquery-ui-autocomplete
jquery ui autocomplete combobox with categories

I'm using the jquery ui autocomplete combobox, and it's working great but now i'm getting a bit greedy. I would …

jquery jquery-ui jquery-ui-autocomplete
jQueryUI Autocomplete value different than label

I have a jQuery UI Autocomplete that works fine, if the returned json object looks like this: label:name value:…

jquery jquery-ui jquery-ui-autocomplete
Jquery autocomplete custom data error no such method 'instance' for autocomplete widget instance

I am adding the autocomplete functionality to text box. Referring this jQuery autocomplete custom data plugin. Without custom data code …

javascript jquery jquery-ui autocomplete jquery-ui-autocomplete
Clear the cache for jquery ui autocomplete

I think I have read every stackoverflow and google result available on this issue and they all seem to refer …

jquery jquery-ui jquery-ui-autocomplete
How to prevent duplicate with Bootstrap Tokenfield When using Jquery Ui Autocomplete

I am trying to implement Bootstrap Tokenfield with Jquery Ui autocomplete and so far i was able to do that …

twitter-bootstrap jquery-ui-autocomplete bootstrap-tokenfield
How to make jQuery autocomplete list display all options onfocus and hide after option is selected?

I have a form with an autocomplete that starts the search "onfocus" and shows the option list when the user …

php jquery jquery-ui jquery-ui-autocomplete onfocus
jQuery UI Autocomplete: How to get 'change' event to fire earlier? It sounds like the change event is supposed to fire after you've selected an …

jquery jquery-ui jquery-ui-autocomplete