Top "Jquery-steps" questions

jQuery Steps is a smart UI component which allows you to easily create wizard-like interfaces.

Going to a custom step with jQuery-steps

I am using a jQuery-steps on my app to for a wizard-like situation. I am having trouble finding out how …

jquery forms wizard jquery-steps
Step by Step validating jquery-steps form with bootstrap validator

I have a multistep form made using jquery-steps ( I am using bootstrap validator plugin (https://…

javascript jquery validation jquery-steps bootstrapvalidator
Changing the name of a button in jquery-steps

I have included the jquery-steps plugin. How can I change the buttons texts? Now it says "finish" I want to …

Jquery-Step Form Submit

I am trying to implement JQuery-steps plugin found here: I cannot figure out how to …

javascript jquery jquery-steps
Submit each step and then next in bootstrap wizard

Actually I have to design a form with multi steps. Using bootstrap wizard I tried alot but it jumps to …

jquery formwizard jquery-steps
How to set a dynamic height on content for each step?

I'm using Jquery steps wizard plugin. The problem I am having is that each step of the wizard has content …

Dynamically create steps for jQuery Steps

I am having some trouble dynamically creating some steps using the jQuery Step Wizard plugin. Here is my code: <!…

javascript jquery html dynamically-generated jquery-steps
jQuery wizard steps move before ajax call completed

How can I control the move to next step according to the result of some ajax call?? the data.d …

jquery jquery-steps
jQuery Steps - reset wizard without page reload

I am using jQuery steps ( ) in order to create step by step form to …

javascript jquery jquery-steps
How do I get the current step in jQuery steps wizard?

I'm looking for a way to get the current step in my jQuery Steps wizard. I would like to perform …

jquery jquery-steps