I was having hard time how to override the default message for minimum length input in jquery Select2.
by default the plugin gives the following message.
Please enter 1 more characters
My requirement was to show, the following text
Enter 1 Character
please share the solution. Thanks.
The accepted answer does not work for Select2 v4. Expanding on the comment by @IsaacKleinman, the way to override the default messages for an individual Select2 instance is through the language
var opts = {
language: {
inputTooShort: function(args) {
// args.minimum is the minimum required length
// args.input is the user-typed text
return "Type more stuff";
inputTooLong: function(args) {
// args.maximum is the maximum allowed length
// args.input is the user-typed text
return "You typed too much";
errorLoading: function() {
return "Error loading results";
loadingMore: function() {
return "Loading more results";
noResults: function() {
return "No results found";
searching: function() {
return "Searching...";
maximumSelected: function(args) {
// args.maximum is the maximum number of items the user may select
return "Error loading results";
To override the functions globally, call the set
function on the defaults (according to the docs):
$.fn.select2.defaults.set("key", "value")
However, in our code we do it like this:
$.fn.select2.defaults.defaults['language'].searching = function(){
return 'Custom searching message'
I don't know why we don't follow the docs, but it works.