Top "Jquery-effects" questions

jQuery is a JavaScript library, consider also adding the JavaScript tag.

jQuery cross-browser "scroll to top", with animation

Right now I'm using this: $('#go-to-top').each(function(){ $(this).click(function(){ $('html').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); return true; }); }); which doesn't …

javascript jquery scroll jquery-animate jquery-effects
Append and Slide together jQuery

I have this append method which I made to add more input boxes until there is 10 of them which will …

jquery append slidedown jquery-effects
How many milliseconds do "slow", "normal", and "fast" represent in jQuery?

jQuery allows use of the string values "slow", "normal", and "fast" in animations (e.g.: $('#example').fadeOut('slow');). How …

jquery animation effects jquery-effects
How to add easing effect with animate in jquery?

I am animating a div but i would like to give some effect to that animate so i tried like …

jquery jquery-animate jquery-effects jquery-easing
jquery how to do a flip effect?

i am trying to mimic an effect found usually on mobile devices where you have a panel and when u …

javascript jquery flip jquery-effects
jQuery fade elements from one class to another, on hover

can this be done? for eg. .class1{ background-image:(whatever.jpg) color: #fff; } .class2{ background-image:(whatever2.jpg) color: #999; } can I fade …

jquery css effects fadein jquery-effects
Apply easing on jquery ui show?

I'm trying to apply easing on a jquery ui show effect. Ideally the api would look something like this: $(this).…

jquery css jquery-ui jquery-effects easing