Top "Jquery-chosen" questions

Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly.

jQuery Chosen - get (multiple) selected labels (not the value)

How to get the selected option's text from the Chosen select? So not just the .val() but the option label/…

jquery jquery-chosen
.chosen.change() - how to figure out whether it was a select or a deselect action

How can we figure out whether a change event triggered on a component was a result of a select or …

jquery jquery-chosen
Setting a multiselect Chosen box's height

I'm using Chosen with a multi-select drop down, and would like to set the height of the chosen box to …

jquery jquery-chosen
jQuery Chosen not firing onchange event when value is changed through JS

JSFiddle I've set up a select with 3 options (1 blank) in the fiddle. When I switch from foo to bar manually, …

javascript jquery jquery-chosen
jQuery Chosen plugin without search field

Not sure if this has been covered somewhere, but I couldn't find it in the documentation, and was wondering if …

javascript jquery jquery-plugins jquery-chosen
Chosen.js styling not conforming to Bootstrap3 styles

Im using chosen.js v1.0 and am using it in my project with Bootstrap 3 but the styles of my select …

twitter-bootstrap-3 jquery-chosen
jQuery Chosen: how to select 1 option value and remove the same one in another select-menu?

I've put 2 elements next to eachother. Both of them are using the jQuery Chosen plugin. This is the code: <…

jquery select plugins option jquery-chosen
Chosen harvesthq resize width dynamically

How can you have a harvesthq Chosen dropdown with a dynamic width style? By default it has a fixed width …

jquery drop-down-menu width jquery-chosen
Can the chosen jQuery combobox have different widths based on whether it's open?

I use chosen in order to make a fun combobox. Everything works fine but I have a question. I think …

jQuery Chosen.js - how to search in multiple select?

I'm using an jquery plugin called Chosen. I see it has a search option available for single select, does anyone …
