Top "Jqgrid-php" questions

Tag for the PHP wrapper of jqGrid.

php + jqgrid + export to excel

Somebody knows a way to export the data from a jqgrid to excel? I want to do a report using …

php jquery jqgrid jqgrid-php
How to unselect the selected row from jQgrid when the custom formatter text field value is empty

When i tried to check the check box in jQgrid it selecting the values that's fine ,and in that i …

jquery jqgrid jqgrid-php jqgrid-formatter
Highlight row when the checkbox is true

Can Some one help me, I have a jqgrid and I want to highlight the row if the checkbox is …

php javascript jqgrid jqgrid-php
Mapping JSON data in JQGrid

I am using jqGrid 3.6.4 and a jquery 1.4.2 . in my sample i am getting following json data format & i want …

json jqgrid jqgrid-php subgrid
jqgrid date formatter example?

Does anybody have an example of using the date formatter with a server side database, or can you point me …

jqgrid jqgrid-php jqgrid-formatter
jqgrid getRowData returns null

I have the code below: $buttonoptions = array("#pager", array( "caption" => "Select Product", "onClickButton" => "js: function() { var selr = jQuery(…

jquery jquery-plugins jqgrid jqgrid-php
jqGrid: how to lose focus when i click outside the grid, or anywhere else for that matter

i'm currently doing editing using inline editing, and when i click outside the grid, it's still being under edit. what …

jquery jqgrid jqgrid-php
JQgrid: Get Json data

Is there any method I can get the full JSON data from Jqgrid when datatype is local along with the …

jquery-ui jqgrid jqgrid-php
How to work on jqgrid Add, edit, delete? using php

how to work on add row, edit, del the row in jqgrid? how to invoke editurl?? my code is below... …

jqGrid get multiple selected row cells value

My jqGrid Script: <script> jQuery("#task-grid").jqGrid({ datatype: "json", height: 'auto', rowNum: 20, rowList: [20,30], colNames:['ID','RESOURCE','ROLE','SITE', …

jquery jqgrid jqgrid-php