Java Management eXtensions is a standard Java API that enables the instrumentation and monitoring of a running Java program.
I run my Java program with JDK7 on Centos6. I enable JMX using the following options: JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} …
java rmi jmxI would like to monitor a remotely running java (spring boot) application with jvisualvm (or jconsole). When running locally, I …
java spring-boot monitoring jmxWhen I try to use JMX to monitor an application like this: java \ -Dcom.sun.…
java ubuntu jmxI'm looking for sample Java JMX code to access the values of JMX attributes from another VM. With JConsole, I …
java jmxI am trying to implement a nagios plugin, and doing so requires that I know specifically what object and attribute …
java jmxI am new to Java and I'm facing a problem in connecting a Remote Host to the JVisualVM. I've searched …
monitoring jmx visualvmI have created a Spring Integration application with Spring Boot. I would like to know how to configure JMX with …
spring-boot spring-integration jmx