Top "Jmenuitem" questions

JMenuItem is an implementation of an item in a menu.

How to make a JMenu item do something when it's clicked

I'm making a GUI that has a Jmenu; it has the jmenu items that will be doing things when clicked. …

java swing user-interface jmenu jmenuitem
Java menu item enabling within event listener

Hello im trying to enable my JMenuItem from within an event listener but it seems to be out of scope. …

java swing event-listener jmenuitem
How do you make menu item (JMenuItem) shortcut?

So i noticed that in awt there is a MenuItem constructor for adding a CTRL + (some key) shortcut, but there …

java swing shortcut jmenuitem
Java JMenuItem ActionListener

I need some help with my ActionListener on my JMenuBar. There's no error; however every time I click on a …

java swing actionlistener jmenuitem jmenubar
Adding a submenu

So I tried to look at the Java docs for help for this but got confused pretty quickly. I am …

java swing jmenu jmenuitem
How to set a size for JMenuItem?

As you can see, it's ugly to have these kind of JMenuItems. The width of the menu items is quite …

java swing jmenu jmenuitem preferredsize
Height of JMenuBar, JMenu and JMenuItem

Is it possible to set height of JMenuBar, JMenu and JMenuItem using UIManager once for all menus? I am currently …

java swing jmenu jmenuitem jmenubar
How do I create this special menu bar with Java Swing?

I am trying to implement this type of menu using Swing. Is there any off-the-shelf solution (free and/or commercial) …

java swing icons jmenu jmenuitem
Adding a JMenu to a JPanel

I need to have a JMenu (the one with the arrow on right which can display JMenuItem) in a JPanel. …

java swing jpanel jmenu jmenuitem
JMenuBar not showing

I seem to have done everything correct. I just need to implement a simple JMenuBar but it seems to be …

java swing jmenu jmenuitem jmenubar