Top "Jit" questions

Just-In-Time compilation (JIT) is a technique used to improve the performance of interpreted code by translating it to machine code.

Can I force the JVM to natively compile a given method?

I have a performance-critical method called often when my app starts up. Eventually, it gets JIT-compiled, but not after some …

java performance jit jvm-arguments
JIT compiler vs offline compilers

Are there scenarios where JIT compiler is faster than other compilers like C++? Do you think in the future JIT …

c# .net c++ compiler-construction jit
java PrintCompilation output: what's the meaning of "made not entrant" and "made zombie"

When running a Java 1.6 (1.6.0_03-b05) app I've added the -XX:+PrintCompilation flag. On the output for some methods, in particular …

java jit jvm-hotspot
PyPy significantly slower than CPython

I've been testing a cacheing system of my making. Its purpose is to speed up a Django web application. It …

python optimization jit pypy cprofile
Is there a runtime benefit to using const local variables?

Outside of the ensuring that they cannot be changed (to the tune of a compiler error), does the JIT make …

c# constants jit
How would you improve Dalvik? Android's Virtual Machine

I am currently writing a paper on the Android platform. After some research, it's clear that Dalvik has room for …

android jit dalvik vm-implementation
.NET JIT potential error?

The following code gives different output when running the release inside Visual Studio, and running the release outside Visual Studio. …

c# jit
What does CompileThreshold, Tier2CompileThreshold, Tier3CompileThreshold and Tier4CompileThreshold control?

HotSpot's tiered compilation uses the interpreter until a threshold of invocations (for methods) or iterations (for loops) triggers a client …

java jit jvm-hotspot compiler-flags
can we implement a java interpreter in hardware that executes Java bytecodes natively?

if we implement java interpreter in hardware then how we can achieve architecture neutrality of java bytecode... does java uses …

java jvm virtual interpreter jit
angular-cli: AoT compilation with ng serve by default

In Angular CLI, ng serve uses JiT and the flag --aot is required in order to use AoT compilation. Is …

angular angular-cli jit aot