Top "Jet" questions

Jet is the SQL database engine used by Microsoft Windows.

Microsoft Jet OLEDB 4.0 SQL Function Reference with ADO?

I'm using the the Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider in Excel VBA ADO to connect to .csv and .xls files stored …

excel ms-access vba ado jet
Configure ASP.NET to use x86 on x64 Windows

I am trying to deploy GAL Modifier, which is an ASP.NET website which uses Microsoft Access on a Windows 2003 … ms-access x86 jet windows64
PyODBC and Microsoft Access: Inconsistent results from simple query

I am using pyodbc, via Microsoft Jet, to access the data in a Microsoft Access 2003 database from a Python program. …

python ms-access odbc jet pyodbc
Accessing a JET (.mdb) database in Python

Is there a way to access a JET database from Python? I'm on Linux. All I found was a .mdb …

python database jet