I'm using Jenkins 2.x with a Jenkinsfile
to run a pipeline.
I have built a job using Jenkinsfile and I want to invoke the Analysis Collector Plugin so I can view the report.
Here is my current Jenkinsfile:
node {
stage 'Build '
echo "My branch is: ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
sh 'cd gitlist-PHP && ./gradlew clean build dist'
stage 'Report'
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: 'gitlist-PHP/build/logs/junit.xml'])
step([$class: 'hudson.plugins.checkstyle.CheckStylePublisher', checkstyle: 'gitlist-PHP/build/logs/phpcs.xml'])
step([$class: 'hudson.plugins.dry.DryPublisher', CopyPasteDetector: 'gitlist-PHP/build/logs/phpcpd.xml'])
stage 'mail'
mail body: 'project build successful',
from: '[email protected]',
replyTo: '[email protected]',
subject: 'project build successful',
to: '[email protected]'
I want to invoke invoke Checkstyle, Junit and DRY plugin from Jenkins. How do I configure these plugins in the Jenkinsfile
? Do these plugins support pipelines?
The following configuration works for me:
step([$class: 'CheckStylePublisher', pattern: 'target/scalastyle-result.xml, target/scala-2.11/scapegoat-report/scapegoat-scalastyle.xml'])
For junit configuration is even easier:
junit 'target/test-reports/*.xml'