Jenkins Pipeline Fails if Step is Unstable

michaelbahr picture michaelbahr · Aug 2, 2016 · Viewed 44.5k times · Source

Currently my pipeline fails (red), when a maven-job is unstable (yellow).

node {
    stage 'Unit/SQL-Tests'
    parallel (
       phase1: { build 'Unit-Tests' }, // maven
       phase2: { build 'SQL-Tests' } // shell
    stage 'Integration-Tests'
    build 'Integration-Tests' // maven

In this example the job Unit-Test's result is unstable, but is shown as failed in the pipeline.

How can I change the jobs/pipeline/jenkins to have the (1) the pipeline step unstable instead of failed and (2) the pipeline's status unstable instead of failed.

I tried adding the MAVEN_OPTS parameter -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true, but that did not solve the issue. I am unsure how to wrap the build 'Unit-Test' into some logic that can catch and process the result.

Adding a sub-pipeline with this logic doesn't do the trick, as there is no option to checkout from subversion (that option is available in a regular maven job). I would not like to use commandline checkout if possible.


michaelbahr picture michaelbahr · Aug 3, 2016

Lessons learned:

  • Jenkins will continuously update the pipeline according to the currentBuild.result value which can be either SUCCESS, UNSTABLE or FAILURE (source).
  • The result of build job: <JOBNAME> can be stored in a variable. The build status is in variable.result.
  • build job: <JOBNAME>, propagate: false will prevent the whole build from failing right away.
  • currentBuild.result can only get worse. If that value was previously FAILED and receives a new status SUCCESS through currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS' it will stay FAILED

This is what I finally used:

    node {
        def result  // define the variable once in the beginning
        stage 'Unit/SQL-Tests'
        parallel (
           phase1: { result = build job: 'Unit', propagate: false }, // might be UNSTABLE
           phase2: { build 'SQL-Tests' }
        currentBuild.result = result.result  // update the build status. jenkins will update the pipeline's current status accordingly
        stage 'Install SQL'
        build 'InstallSQL'
        stage 'Deploy/Integration-Tests'
        parallel (
           phase1: { build 'Deploy' },
           phase2: { result = build job: 'Integration-Tests', propagate: false }
        currentBuild.result = result.result // should the Unit-Test be FAILED and Integration-Test SUCCESS, then the currentBuild.result will stay FAILED (it can only get worse)
        stage 'Code Analysis'
        build 'Analysis'