Top "Jenkins-pipeline" questions

Questions about the Jenkins “Pipeline” plugin suite (formerly “Workflow”). Not about pipelines in Jenkins in general (e.g. using downstream jobs).

How catch curl response into variable in Jenkinsfile

I want to curl an URL and capture the response into a variable. when I curl a command and echo …

jenkins groovy jenkins-pipeline groovyshell
What is the difference between deleteDir, cleanWs, and 'WsCleanup' in Jenkins pipeline?

These have all been mentioned (for example in this SO question) for cleaning up the workspace in Jenkinsfile. However, it …

jenkins jenkins-plugins jenkins-pipeline
Jenkins : use withCredentials in global environment section

I have a Jenkins pipeline with multiple stages that all require the same environment variables, I run this like so: …

jenkins groovy jenkins-pipeline credentials
How to limit Jenkins concurrent multibranch pipeline builds?

I am looking at limiting the number of concurrent builds to a specific number in Jenkins, leveraging the multibranch pipeline …

jenkins groovy concurrency jenkins-pipeline
How do I get the SCM URL inside a Jenkins Pipeline or Multibranch Pipeline?

I am trying to get a prebuild merge to work inside a multibranch pipeline and I would like to avoid …

git jenkins branching-and-merging jenkins-pipeline
Declarative Pipeline - Use of when condition, how to do nested conditions anyOf/allOf/not

I am stuck at how to properly use nested conditions as proposed in the Jenkins syntax.…

jenkins-pipeline jenkins-declarative-pipeline
Job DSL to create "Pipeline" type job

I have installed Pipeline Plugin which used to be called as Workflow Plugin earlier.…

jenkins jenkins-plugins jenkins-pipeline jenkins-workflow jenkins-job-dsl
Cobertura code coverage report for jenkins pipeline jobs

I'm using the pipeline plugin for jenkins and I'd like to generate code coverage report for each run and display …

jenkins jenkins-pipeline cobertura
Jenkins Multibranch Config: How to Filter branches based on variable string?

We have Jenkins set up with 7 multibranch pipeline projects, each building off the same git repo, but for different target …

jenkins jenkins-pipeline multibranch-pipeline
npm install fails in jenkins pipeline in docker

I'm following a tutorial about Jenkins pipeline and I can get a "hello world" working under at node 6.10 docker container. …

docker jenkins ember.js npm jenkins-pipeline