Top "Jenkins-pipeline" questions

Questions about the Jenkins “Pipeline” plugin suite (formerly “Workflow”). Not about pipelines in Jenkins in general (e.g. using downstream jobs).

Using env variables to set other variables in Jenkins pipeline as code

I cannot use environment variables set in previous blocks in access stage below. pipeline{ agent any stages{ stage("set env …

jenkins groovy jenkins-pipeline jenkins-job-dsl
Does Jenkins Pipeline Plug-in support Docker Compose?

I'm looking for a way to run Docker-enabled build consisting of multiple containers in Jenkins 2.0. Are there any plans for …

jenkins docker jenkins-pipeline
Error: "Expected named arguments" in parallel in Jenkins groovy script

I have a Jenkins 2.0 pipeline, with a groovyscript like this: node('nnh561.raijin') { stage 'checkout' build('trunk/checkout') stage 'build' …

jenkins groovy jenkins-pipeline jenkins-2
No such property: api for class: groovy.lang.Binding error

Im trying to build a pipeline on Jenkins that runs a command on node and informs me of the following …

groovy jenkins-pipeline jenkins-groovy
How to run multiple stages on the same node with declarative Jenkins pipeline?

Goal Run multiple stages of a declarative Jenkins pipeline on the same node. Setup This is just a minimal example …

jenkins jenkins-pipeline
How to use jenkins environment variable in Jenkinsfile if statement

I am trying to use an if statement in my Jenkinsfile for multi branch pipeline project. For the sake of …

jenkins groovy jenkins-pipeline multibranch-pipeline
Jenkins Pipeline: Enable timestamps in build log console

How can I display build timestamps for each line of a multi-branch pipeline project? Is it a supported feature? If …

How to use multiple credentials in withCredentials in Jenkins Pipeline

I have the following step in my declarative jenkins pipeline: I create script which comes from my resources/ folder using …

jenkins jenkins-pipeline credentials
Jenkins Pipeline: "input" step blocks executor

After going through the pipeline and Jenkinsfile documentation, I am a bit confused on how to create a Stage -&…

jenkins jenkins-pipeline
Use private docker registry with Authentication in Jenkinsfile

How can I teach my Jenkisfile to login via basic auth in this setup? I'm using a custom docker image …

docker jenkins jenkins-pipeline docker-registry