Top "Jdwp" questions

The Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) is the protocol used for communication between a debugger and the Java virtual machine (VM).

ERROR: JDWP Unable to get JNI 1.2 environment

I get this error after debugging in Eclipse. The debug is successful though. ERROR: JDWP Unable to get JNI 1.2 environment, …

java eclipse jdwp
JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [../../../src/share/back/debugInit.c:690]

I have been trying to run with JRebel this configuration: Here is my output: c:\JBOSS\jboss-portal-2.7.2\bin\run.bat …

jboss intellij-idea jrebel jdwp
Cannot connect to VM in Eclipse

I have suddenly begun getting this weird error when I try to debug any of my projects on Eclipse. I …

java eclipse debugging jdwp
How to debug an android application started from 'adb shell am start -D '?

I need to debug an android application that is already installed on a phone. I am able to start the …

android debugging jdwp
"DeviceMonitor]Sending jdwp tracking request failed!" in Eclipse / Android

I'm a noob learning Eclipse and Android. Whenever I close the emulator I get "DeviceMonitor]Sending jdwp tracking request failed!" …

android eclipse android-emulator jdwp
How to run Apache Tomcat 8 in debug mode?

I am trying to run Apache Tomcat 8.0.21 in debug mode. When I give the command sh jpda start …

jvm remote-debugging tomcat8 jpda jdwp
Java JVMTI doesn't work alongside -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp

I spent the last 4 hours trying to set up Eclipse TPTP memory profiling on a Tomcat instance that must be …

java debugging jvmti jdwp
Java Debug Wire Protocol Remote Code Execution Vulnerability - joss

Our security team found below issue with JDWP in jboss. How can I fix this ? …

tcp jboss jboss7.x jdwp
Starting Tomcat with remote debugging (jdwp) when installed as a windows service

I have a Tomcat installed as a Windows service. I'd like to configure it to support remote debugging via jdwp. …

java tomcat jdwp