Top "Jcombobox" questions

A JComboBox is a Java GUI object.

How can I add database id as combobox Index in java?

I want to add combobox Index from database id. public static void selectCompany(javax.swing.JComboBox cmbCategory ){ cmbCategory.removeAllItems(); String …

java mysql swing jcombobox
JComboBox Error

I'm trying to get the following program to compile from "Introduction to Java Programming 9th edition, by Liang. I'm getting …

java swing jcombobox
Set Size of JComboBox PopupMenu

i am programming a custom component which extends a JComboBox. My problem is, the PopupMenu won't actualise its size if …

java swing jcombobox popupmenu
how can one make a JComboBox dropdown when it is given focus?

I find that a useful way to draw attention to a jcombobox when one wants the user to select from …

java swing drop-down-menu jcombobox
Why isn't getSelectedItem() on JComboBox generic?

JCombobox in Java 7 has been updated to use generics - I always thought it was a bit of an oversight …

java swing generics jcombobox java-7
Is there a way to prevent action listeners from firing when setSelectedItem() is called?

I have a program with multiple comboboxes, each with their own action listener. Selecting an item from any of the …

java swing jcombobox actionlistener comboboxmodel