Top "Jboss-arquillian" questions

JBoss Arquillian is a testing platform for the JVM that enables developers to create automated integration, functional and acceptance tests for Java middleware.

Hibernate SchemaExport fails to first create schema

I am running tests using Arquillian, JBoss, JPA/Hibernate, H2 DB and Maven. In my test persistence.xml file I …

hibernate jboss java-ee-6 jboss-arquillian hbm2ddl
How to select a container by qualifyer from arquillian.xml?

I want to have different container configurations in my arquillian.xml and select them in my test. But I am …

java testing jakarta-ee cdi jboss-arquillian
find all classes and interfaces a class extends or implements recursively

I was wondering if there was an easy way of determining the complete list of Types that a Java class …

java class jboss-arquillian
Missing artifact "sun.jdk:jconsole:jar:jdk"

When adding Arquillian to a Maven build I get the above exception in Eclipse: Missing artifact sun.jdk:jconsole:jar:…

eclipse maven wildfly jboss-arquillian
Arquillian: Adding beans.xml causes "ArquillianServletRunner not found"

I am using Arquillian[1] for testing my J2EE-App in an embedded glassfish environment inside Eclipse[2]-IDE. package; …

glassfish integration-testing jboss-arquillian
Maven (surefire) test plugin excludes not working

I have following configuration in my pom.xml <build> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>…

java maven jboss-arquillian
WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies

I have a very famous error, but I can't solve it. I'm trying to run arqullian test for my application. …

jboss ejb jboss7.x cdi jboss-arquillian
Where can I find the arquillian xml configuration documentation?

I've tried to learn the JBoss Arquillian, by following the formal document and got confused about the configuration, the arquillian.…

How to mock services with Arquillian?

Is it possible to use some kind of mocking framework with Arquillian, or precisely how to mock injected EJBs? I …

java jakarta-ee mocking ejb jboss-arquillian
Arquillian - ClassNotFound on org.jboss.arquillian.core.api.threading.ExecutorService

I'm currently trying to make arquillian works but I have a problem on one of my Unit Test. It fails …

jakarta-ee classnotfoundexception executorservice jboss-arquillian