Missing artifact "sun.jdk:jconsole:jar:jdk"

Steffi S. picture Steffi S. · Oct 20, 2015 · Viewed 13.5k times · Source

When adding Arquillian to a Maven build I get the above exception in Eclipse:

Missing artifact sun.jdk:jconsole:jar:jdk


(The message is not the problem, but that Eclipse refuses to compile the project because of it. Maven works, though.)

Naturally the first thing I did was trying to exclude it from the Maven dependencies (wildfly-arquillian-container-managed is where the dependency tree states the dependency comes from):


There was no change. I tried to start Eclipse with -vm C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin. And tried to edit the JDK in "Preferences -> Installed JREs" to contain the JAR in the tools directory. But nothing works.

What can I do?


Mateus Pegoraro picture Mateus Pegoraro · Feb 12, 2016

I put my dependencies like this and it works fine:

    <!-- Arquillian -->


See that the exclusion tag is in the "wildfly-embedded" dependency...

Don't forget to command "mvn install" and click right button at project and "Maven Update", if it doesn't work try delete folder "~/.m2/repository" and download all the dependencies again.