Top "Jax-rs" questions

JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services.

Required @QueryParam in JAX-RS (and what to do in their absence)

I deploy a web-services component to JBoss Application Server 7 using the RESTEasy JAX-RS implementation. Is there an annotation available to …

java jax-rs
How can I generate WADL for REST services

I have a web application providing more than 30 REST services (using Jersey) to clients. Is it possible to automatically create …

java rest testing jax-rs wadl
RESTful webservice : how to set headers in java to accept XMLHttpRequest allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

I have a RESTful webservice which will return string and it was written in Java (JAX-WS). My problem is when …

java rest jax-ws jax-rs cors
A message body writer for Java class not found

I am new to using JAX-RS and wrote a sample application that outputs a json object. but I am getting …

java rest jax-rs
What is the difference between @PathParam and @PathVariable

To my knowledge both serves the same purpose. Except the fact that @PathVariable is from Spring MVC and @PathParam is …

spring-mvc jax-rs restful-url path-parameter
How to handle CORS using JAX-RS with Jersey

I'm developing a java script client application, in server-side I need to handle CORS, all the services I had written …

java rest jersey jax-rs cors
Custom ObjectMapper with Jersey 2.2 and Jackson 2.1

I am struggling with a REST application with Grizzly, Jersey and Jackson, because Jersey ignores my custom ObjectMapper. POM dependencies: &…

java jersey jackson jax-rs jersey-2.0
Inject an EJB into JAX-RS (RESTful service)

I'm trying to inject a Stateless EJB into my JAX-RS webservice via annotations. Unfortunately the EJB is just null and …

java rest jakarta-ee ejb jax-rs
JAX-RS Post multiple objects

I have a method; @POST @Path("test") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public void test(ObjectOne objectOne, ObjectTwo objectTwo) Now I …

java rest jax-rs
MessageBodyReader not found for media type=application/json

I have wrote a JAX-RS server and client both use Jersey. I want to sent a collection of my entities …

java json jersey jax-rs