Hi I would like to know how can I render output in dot.js templating engine. I think it's a generic question about nodejs templating.(read comments for more info). The reason why I chose this template engine instead of jade or ejs is because it seems the fastest engine around.
Here is my app.js:
var express = require('express'),
app = express.createServer(),
doT = require('doT'),
pub = __dirname + '/public',
view = __dirname + '/views';
app.set('views', view);
app.set('view options', {layout: false});
app.set('view engine', 'dot');
app.register('.html', {
compile: function(str, opts){
return function(locals){
return str;
app.get('/', function(req, res){
//This is where I am trying to send data to the front end....
res.render('index.html', { output: 'someStuff' });
Here is my html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
//This is where I am trying to receive data and output it...
I just could not find good docs on it. This was not enough: http://olado.github.com/doT/. Please help, if you can. This will improve my understanding exponentially of how data is passed to the view in nodejs. Thank you.
You need to let express know to use doT as the template engine like this:
app.set("view engine", "html");
app.register('.html', doT);