Angular 6 Sort Array of object by Date

Huy Le picture Huy Le · Aug 16, 2018 · Viewed 71.2k times · Source

I try to sort the array object by date for my Angular 6 application. The data has string format. I wonder if there is an existing module to perform sort in Angular or we have to build sort function it in Typescript.

Angular Template

<app-item *ngFor="let item of someArray"></app-item>

The Array

    CREATE_TS: "2018-08-15 17:17:30.0",
    Key1: "Val1",
    Key2: "Val2",
    CREATE_TS: "2018-08-15 17:25:30.0",
    Key1: "Val1",
    Key2: "Val2",
    CREATE_TS: "2018-08-15 17:28:30.0",
    Key1: "Val1",
    Key2: "Val2",


Krishna Rathore picture Krishna Rathore · Aug 16, 2018

You can use Array.sort for sort data.

I have created a demo on Stackblitz. I hope this will help/guide to you/others.


  data = [
      CREATE_TS: "2018-08-15 17:17:30.0",
      Key1: "Val1",
      Key2: "Val2",
      CREATE_TS: "2018-08-15 17:25:30.0",
      Key1: "Val1",
      Key2: "Val2",
      CREATE_TS: "2018-08-15 17:28:30.0",
      Key1: "Val1",
      Key2: "Val2",

  get sortData() {
    return, b) => {
      return <any>new Date(b.CREATE_TS) - <any>new Date(a.CREATE_TS);


<div *ngFor="let item of sortData">
  {{item.Key1}} -- {{item.CREATE_TS}} 