How do I unit test if an element is visible when the *ngIf directive is used using Jasmine in Angular

J-man picture J-man · Jul 11, 2018 · Viewed 35k times · Source

I have an Angular 6 app and writing some unit tests trying to determine if an element is visible or not based solely on the boolean result of an *ngIf directive.


<div class="header" *ngIf="show">

spec file:

it('should hide contents if show is false', () => {
    const button = debugElement.query(By.css('button')).nativeElement;;   // this will change show to false

I can't seem to get the hidden attribute from the div. Does angular use another approach to hiding the element from the DOM using the *ngIf directive? Do I need to get another property from the nativeElement?



Amit Chigadani picture Amit Chigadani · Jul 11, 2018

If the element is hidden, then it wont be rendered inside the dom.

You can check


EDIT : toBeNull() works better in the above case


And also you have a syntax error while fetching the button element. nativeElement is not a function.

Change it this way :

const button = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button')).nativeElement;