I'm using the jquery plugin jqplot for plotting some bar charts. on hover, I'd like to display the tick for the bar and its value on a tooltip. I've tried
highlighter: { show: true,
showTooltip: true, // show a tooltip with data point values.
tooltipLocation: 'nw', // location of tooltip: n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw.
tooltipAxes: 'both', // which axis values to display in the tooltip, x, y or both.
lineWidthAdjust: 2.5 // pixels to add to the size line stroking the data point marker
but it doesn't work. the bar visually gets lighter, and there's a small dot on the top (which would ideally go away--probably from line chart renderer stuff), but there is no tooltip anywhere. Anyone know how I can do this? I'll have lots of bars so the x-axis will be cluttered and kind of a mess if I show them down there only.
I go through jqplot.highlighter.js and find an undocumented property: tooltipContentEditor
I use it to customize the tooltip to display x-axis label.
Use something like this:
function tooltipContentEditor(str, seriesIndex, pointIndex, plot) {
// display series_label, x-axis_tick, y-axis value
return plot.series[seriesIndex]["label"] + ", " + plot.data[seriesIndex][pointIndex];