I'm using a plugin for Jquery called FLOT http://code.google.com/p/flot/
Once the graph is rendered I want the client to be able to save the graph to a file for later. Any idea on how this can be done without requiring the client to download some tool or image capture device?
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<div id="placeholder" style="width:1000px;height:400px;"></div>
<div id="test" style="display: none; background: #ff0; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ddd; position: absolute;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var options0 = {
xaxis: {mode: "time"},
legend: {position: "nw"},
lines: {show: true},
grid: {hoverable: true}};
var grid_data0 = [[new Date(1286172000 * 1000), 1219], [new Date(1286258400 * 1000), 1583], [new Date(1286344800 * 1000), 1566], [new Date(1286431200 * 1000), 2191], [new Date(1286517600 * 1000), 2471], [new Date(1286604000 * 1000), 3128], [new Date(1286690400 * 1000), 2713], [new Date(1286776800 * 1000), 2117], [new Date(1286863200 * 1000), 3174], [new Date(1286949600 * 1000), 3051], [new Date(1287036000 * 1000), 3582], [new Date(1287122400 * 1000), 3472], [new Date(1287208800 * 1000), 3928], [new Date(1287295200 * 1000), 3688], [new Date(1287381600 * 1000), 2547], [new Date(1287468000 * 1000), 1549], [new Date(1287554400 * 1000), 3008], [new Date(1287640800 * 1000), 2309], [new Date(1287727200 * 1000), 2973], [new Date(1287813600 * 1000), 3805], [new Date(1287900000 * 1000), 3643], [new Date(1287986400 * 1000), 2310], [new Date(1288072800 * 1000), 2323], [new Date(1288159200 * 1000), 2399], [new Date(1288245600 * 1000), 2305], [new Date(1288332000 * 1000), 2393], [new Date(1288418400 * 1000), 3212], [new Date(1288504800 * 1000), 3348], [new Date(1288591200 * 1000), 2391], [new Date(1288677600 * 1000), 2130], [new Date(1288764000 * 1000), 1896], [new Date(1288850400 * 1000), 1765], [new Date(1288936800 * 1000), 2191], [new Date(1289023200 * 1000), 3008], [new Date(1289109600 * 1000), 3085], [new Date(1289199600 * 1000), 2151], [new Date(1289286000 * 1000), 2011], [new Date(1289372400 * 1000), 2016], [new Date(1289458800 * 1000), 1914]];
var plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), [{data: grid_data0}, ], options0);
function test() {
//var oCanvas = $("#placeholder");//document.getElementById("placeholder");
//oCanvas.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
//var oCanvas = $("#placeholder");//document.getElementById("placeholder");
//Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(oCanvas, true);
<a onClick="JavaScript:test();">Click</a>
The basic way to do it is using canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
but I also found this link for you
I've not tested it.