Sequelize: seed with associations

zett picture zett · Feb 11, 2018 · Viewed 16.2k times · Source

I have 2 models, Courses and Videos, for example. And Courses has many Videos.

// course.js
'use strict';

module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
  const Course = sequelize.define('Course', {
    title: DataTypes.STRING,
    description: DataTypes.STRING

  Course.associate = models => {

  return Course;

// video.js
'use strict';

module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
  const Video = sequelize.define('Video', {
    title: DataTypes.STRING,
    description: DataTypes.STRING,
    videoId: DataTypes.STRING

  Video.associate = models => {
    Video.belongsTo(models.Course, {
      onDelete: "CASCADE",
      foreignKey: {
        allowNull: false

  return Video;

I want to create seeds with courses which includes videos. How can I make it? I don't know how to create seeds with included videos.


mcranston18 picture mcranston18 · Feb 12, 2018

You can use Sequelize's queryInterface to drop down to raw SQL in order to insert model instances that require associations. In your case, the easiest way would to create one seeder for courses and videos. (One note: I don't know how you are defining your primary and foreign key so I am making an assumption that the videos table has a field course_id.)

module.exports = {
  up: async (queryInterface) => {
    await queryInterface.bulkInsert('courses', [
      {title: 'Course 1', description: 'description 1', id: 1}
      {title: 'Course 2', description: 'description 2', id: 2}
    ], {});

    const courses = await queryInterface.sequelize.query(
      `SELECT id from COURSES;`

    const courseRows = courses[0];

    return await queryInterface.bulkInsert('videos', [
      {title: 'Movie 1', description: '...', id: '1', course_id: courseRows[0].id}
      {title: 'Movie 2', description: '...', id: '2', course_id: courseRows[0].id},
      {title: 'Movie 3', description: '...', id: '3', course_id: courseRows[0].id},
    ], {});

  down: async (queryInterface) => {
    await queryInterface.bulkDelete('videos', null, {});
    await queryInterface.bulkDelete('courses', null, {});